2012 m. spalio 27 d., šeštadienis

Prisiminiau kaip šypsojaus arba Perliukai

- ..aš tenoriu kokio seno, keisto filmo, po kurio nieko nebesupranti..
- žinok, ne visi gandžiai yra kaip frušis.

- ką?


- bet aš neturiu kostiumo..

- ai. aš būsiu žuvies gėrybe.
- žuvies?
- jūros!


- maybe i can also go for a little shopping before the meeting.
- sure. i will sleep like a pig.


- well... maybe you should drink every day more wine. that way you will be happy every time
and like all people. if you drink at school maybe you will discover great personalities in the nepalies guys to.


- ..žiūriu - visko pilna: šiukšlės, čipsai, popkornAS..
- vienas?


- i can celebrate birthdays with my shoes and stuff. i have one bra for like centuries. i wonder why?


My Chemical Romance - Mama

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